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Kurze Biographie
Marcel Karnstedt erhielt sein Diplom (M.Sc.) Ende 2003 von der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Deutschland. Von Januar 2004 bis Februar 2009 arbeitete er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Datenbanken & Informationssysteme (Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai-Uwe Sattler) der Technischen Universität Ilmenau, Deutschland. Dort hat er auch seine Promotion erfolgreich beendet (summa cum laude).
Im März 2009 begann er eine Anstellung am Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG). Er war dort Mitglied der Unit for Information Mining and Retrieval (UIMR) und arbeitete zunächst als Postdoc im CLIQUE-Projekt zur Analyse und Visualisierung von extrem grossen Graphen und Netzwerken, speziell sozialen und biologischen Netzwerken. Seit Dezember 2009 hat er zudem eine außerordentliche Dozentur an der NUIG inne. Von November 2010 bis Oktober 2013 war er als Senior Postdoc angestellt, hauptsächlich verantwortlich für DERIs Anteil am ROBUST-Projekt, ein EU-finanziertes internationales Projekt mit Fokus auf Risiken und Möglichkeiten in business communities. Zudem war er aktiv beteiligt an Aufgaben der Anfrageverarbeitung und Sensordatenanalyse im SPITFIRE-Projekt zur Vereinigung des "Internet of Things" mit dem "Web of Things".
Von November 2013 bis Juli 2015 hatte er eine permanente Stelle bei Bell Labs in Irland, dem Forschungsarm von Alcatel-Lucent, inne. Er war Mitglied der Scalable Data Processing Activity als Teil des IP Platforms Research Programs. Seine Hauptaufgaben drehten sich um die Gestaltung der Forschungsagenda des Teams fokussiert auf Datenverarbeitung und Datenverwaltung für skalierbare Analyseverfahren. Er spielte weiterhin eine wesentliche Rolle in einem Projekt für Kommunikation der nächsten Generation. Er arbeitete sowohl an der Entwicklung und Integration einer neuartigen Kontextmaschine basierend auf skalierbarer Text- und Graphenanalyse, als auch an der Implementierung von Kernkomponenten des Server-Backends der mobilen App des Projekts.
Im Juli 2015 tat Marcel den Schritt von der Forschung in die Industrie, ohne den Kontakt zur Wissenschaft komplett aufzugeben. Er nahm eine Stelle als Senior Data Architect in der IT & Production der Database Research Group (zuvor Corporate Markets / Databases) Abteilung der Springer Science+Business Media an, bevor es Springer Nature wurde. Momentan leitet er ein Team aus Datenspezialisten, Softwareentwicklern und Domänenexperten verantwortlich für Design, Implementierung und Auslieferung der Industrie-typischen Daten- und Softwarearchitektur der gesamten Abteilung. Dies beinhaltet Aufgaben die sich strecken von Datenverwaltungs- und Datenabfragetechniken (relational, NoSQL, Graphen und IR), über Modellierung und Erstellung domänen-spezifischer Datenbanklösungen, hin zu hochmodernen Datenanalyse und -mining Techniken.
Berufliche Interessen
Großmaßstäbliche Datenarchitekturen, strukturierte Daten, Anfragebearbeitung und Data Mining ...immer darauf aus existierende Grenzen zu durchbrechen, mit einem Hang zu Graphdaten und verteilten Ansätzen
| Spezialisierte Datenstrukturen, -architekturen & Methoden für großmaßstäbliche Datenverwaltung, -bearbeitung & -analyse
| Graphbasierte Datenmodelle und -strukturen, Wissensgraphen & -netzwerke
| Verwaltung, Abfrage und Analyse strukturierter Webdaten, z.B. Linked Data
| Großmaßstäbliches Graph Mining und (Social) Network Analyse
| Universelle Datensysteme verteilt auf Internetgröße, P2P Datenbanken
| Ressourcenadaptives und Qualitätsbewusstes Mining in Datenströmen
Der einfachste Weg (und, zugegeben, blickfangend), die Kompetenz zu verdeutlichen die ich mit diesen Interessen aufgebaut habe, ist sicher die Tag Cloud oben auf dieser Seite. Erstellt auf Basis der Texte all meiner (englischen) Publikationen - Kudos an tagxedo.com!
Hauptprojekte Industrie
Für die folgenden Springer Nature Produkte bauen und warten wir das live Daten-Backend, mit einem Fokus auf produktionsfertige Datenintegration, intelligente (auch: semantische) Suche, zweckorientierte Speichertechniken mit einem überspannenden Graphen und verschiedenen Aspekten künstlicher Intelligenz:
Das ist das wesentliche Forschung-zu-Business Überleitungsprojekt meiner Zeit in Bell Labs:
Wyre - eine neuartige Chat App wo unser Fokus auf voraussagende Analytik und Inhalts- & Verhaltensmodellierung lag |
Hauptprojekte Akademik
ROBUST: Risk and Opportunity management of huge-scale BUSiness communiTy cooperation |
| ein highlight war Whassappi - eine Event App für das Volvo Ocean Race 2012 in Galway, in welcher wir alle unsere neuesten Ansätze zur Social-Media Analytik implementiert haben um intelligent die wichtigsten Tweets zum Event zu erkennen |
SPITFIRE: Semantic-Service Provisioning for the Internet of Things using Future Internet Research by Experimentation |
CLIQUE: scalable computational techniques for the analysis and visualisation of network data |
Veröffentlichungen, Artikel, BerichteEin Großteil der hier aufgelisteten Publikationen ist in meiner BibTex-Datei enthalten.
Die Lists aller Publikationen ist auch verfügbar in:
| Tommaso Cucinotta, Marcel Karnstedt: Method for performing load balancing, distributed computing environment, cluster and computer program product, Alcatel Lucent, filed 30.04.2014, published 04.11.2015 Bulletin 2015/45, Grant EP2940580B1 28.03.2018, EP2940580B8 02.05.2018. |
| [filed] Marcel Karnstedt, Deepak Ajwani, Tiep Mai, Alessandra Sala: A method for providing contextual information, an information processing system and a computer program product, Alcatel Lucent, filed 01.07.2015, published 04.01.2017 Bulletin 2017/01. |
| [filed] Tiep Mai, Marcel Karnstedt, Deepak Ajwani, Alessandra Sala: Method for managing message to be exchanged between a plurality of client devices, a related system and devices, Alcatel Lucent, filed 12.03.2015, published 14.09.2016 Bulletin 2016/37. |
Bücher und Buchkapitel
| Marcel Karnstedt, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Manfred Hauswirth: P2P-Based Query Processing over Linked Data, in: Andreas Harth, Katja Hose, Ralf Schenkel (eds.): Linked Data Management, CRC Press, pp. 339-368, 2014. |
| Jürgen Umbrich, Marcel Karnstedt, Axel Polleres, Kai-Uwe Sattler: Index-Based Source Selection and Optimization, in: Andreas Harth, Katja Hose, Ralf Schenkel (eds.): Linked Data Management, CRC Press, pp. 311-337, 2014. |
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Marcel Karnstedt, Manfred Hauswirth, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Roman Schmidt: Estimating the Completeness of Range Queries over Structured P2P Databases: Fundamentals, Theory, and Effective Applications to Distributed Information Systems, in: Giancarlo Fortino, Carlos E. Palau (eds.): Next Generation Content Delivery Infrastructures: Emerging Paradigms and Technologies, IGI Global, 2012, pp. 251-281. |
M. Karnstedt, T. Hennessy, J. Chan, P. Basuchowdhuri, C. Hayes, Th. Strufe: Churn in Social Networks, in: Borko Furht (Ed.): Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications, Springer Verlag 2010, pp. 185-220. |
| Marcel Karnstedt, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Manfred Hauswirth: Scalable Distributed Indexing and Query Processing over Linked Data, Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 10, Jan 2012, pp. 3-32. |
| Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Römer, Daniel Bimschas, Henning Hasemann, Manfred Hauswirth, Marcel Karnstedt, Oliver Kleine, Alexander Kröller, Myriam Leggieri, Richard Mietz, Max Pagel, Alexandre Passant, Ray Richardson, Cuong Truong: SPITFIRE: Towards a Semantic Web of Things, IEEE Communications Magazine 49/11, Nov 2011, pp. 40-48. |
| V. Belák, M. Karnstedt, C. Hayes: Life-Cycles and Mutual Effects of Scientific Communities, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 22, 2011, pp. 37-48. |
| C. Junghans, M. Karnstedt, M. Gertz: Quality-Driven Resource-Adaptive Data Stream Mining, SIGKDD Explorations 13/1, 2011, pp 72-82. |
| J. Umbrich, K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, A. Harth, A. Polleres: Comparing Data Summaries for Processing Live Queries over Linked Data, WWW Journal 14/5-6, Special Issue "Querying the Data Web", 2011, pp. 495-544. |
| D. Klan, M. Karnstedt, K. Hose, L. Ribe-Baumann, K. Sattler: Stream Engines Meet Wireless Sensor Networks: Cost-Based Planning and Processing of Complex Queries in AnduIN, Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal 29/1, Special Issue "Query Processing in Sensor Networks", pp. 151-183, 2011. |
| C. Franke, M. Karnstedt, D. Klan, M. Gertz, K. Sattler, E. Chervakova: In-Network Detection of Anomaly Regions in Sensor Networks with Obstacles, Computer Science - Research and Development: Volume 24, Issue 3, 2009, pp. 153-170. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Stolze: Datenbankimplementierungstechniken zum Anfassen - Ein Erfahrungsbericht, Datenbank Spektrum, 27/08, Dez. 2008, pp. 37-41, dpunkt.verlag
Deepak Ajwani, Marcel Karnstedt, and Alessandra Sala: Processing Large Graphs: Representations, Storage, Systems and Algorithms, WWW (Companion Volume), 2015, p. 1545. |
Dennis Boldt, Henning Hasemann, Marcel Karnstedt, Alexander Kröller, and Christian von der Weth: SPARQL for Networks of Embedded Systems, International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2015, pp. 93-100. |
Hugo Hromic, Narumol Prangnawarat, Ioana Hulpus, Marcel Karnstedt, and Conor Hayes: Graph-based Methods for Clustering Topics of Interest in Twitter, Poster Paper, International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), 2015, pp. 701-704. |
Soheila Dehghanzadeh, Marcel Karnstedt, Stefan Decker, Josiane Xavier Parreira, Jürgen Umbrich and Manfred Hauswirth: Optimizing SPARQL Query Processing On Dynamic and Static Data Based on Query Time/Freshness Requirements Using Materialization, 4th Joint International Semantic Technology (JIST'2014), 2014, pp. 257-270. |
Nur Aini Rakhmawati, Marcel Karnstedt, Michael Hausenblas, and Stefan Decker: On Metrics for Measuring Fragmentation of Federation over SPARQL Endpoints, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST'2014), 2014, pp. 119-126. |
Nur Aini Rakhmawati, Marcel Karnstedt, Michael Hausenblas, Ali Hasnain, Jürgen Umbrich: A Comparison of Federation over SPARQL Endpoints Frameworks, 4th Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (KESW'13), 2013, pp. 132-146. |
Ioana Hulpus, Conor Hayes, Marcel Karnstedt, Derek Greene, Marek Jozwowicz: Kanopy: Analysing the Semantic Network around Document Topics, European Conference on
Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD'13), 2013, pp. 677-680. |
Aftab Iqbal, Marcel Karnstedt, Michael Hausenblas: Analyzing Social Behavior of Software Developers Across Different Communication Channels, 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), 2013. |
Christoph Boden, Marcel Karnstedt, Miriam Fernandez, Volker Markl: Large-Scale Social-Media Analytics on Stratosphere, International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) - Demo Track, 2013, pp. 257-260. |
Jürgen Umbrich, Claudio Gutierrez, Aidan Hogan, Marcel Karnstedt, Josiane Xavier Parreira: The ACE Theorem for Querying the Web of Data, International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) - Poster Track, 2013, pp. 133-134. |
Marcel Karnstedt, Conor Hayes, Harith Alani, Miriam Fernandez: Scalable Analytics to Enable Risk Management in Online Communities, 26th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO'13), 2013, abstract accepted for presentation. |
Ioana Hulpus, Conor Hayes, Marcel Karnstedt, Derek Greene: Unsupervised Graph-Based Topic Labelling using DBpedia, 6th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM'13), 2013, pp. 465-474. |
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Henning Hasemann, Marcel Karnstedt, Oliver Kleine, Alexander Kröller, Myriam Leggieri, Dennis Pfisterer, Kay Römer, Cuong Truong: True Self-Configuration for the IoT, IoT Challenge Competition, Internet of Things International Conference for Industry and Academia, 2012, ranked 2nd place, pp. 9-15. |
Jürgen Umbrich, Marcel Karnstedt, Aidan Hogan, Josiane Xavier Parreira: Hybrid SPARQL queries: fresh vs. fast results, International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2012, pp. 608-624. |
Jürgen Umbrich, Marcel Karnstedt, Aidan Hogan, Josiane Xavier Parreira: Freshening up while Staying Fast: Towards Hybrid SPARQL Queries, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), 2012, pp. 164-174. |
Matthew Rowe, Miriam Fernandez, Harith Alani, Inbal Ronen, Conor Hayes and Marcel Karnstedt: Behaviour analysis across different types of Enterprise Online Communities, Fourth ACM/ICA Web Science Conference, 2012, pp. 255-264. |
Ioana Hulpus, Conor Hayes, Derek Greene, Marcel Karnstedt: An Eigenvalue-Based Measure for Word-Sense Disambiguation, 25th International FLAIRS Conference, 2012, pp. 226-231. |
R. Richardson, M. Hauswirth, A. Passant, M. Leggieri, M. Karnstedt, A. Kröller, H. Hasemann, O. Kleine, D. Pfisterer, K. Römer, C. Truong: Unlocking Wireless Sensor Networks, e-Challenges e-2011, 2011. |
M. Karnstedt, M. Rowe, J. Chan, H. Alani, C. Hayes: The Effect of User Features on Churn in Social Networks, Third ACM/ICA Web Science Conference, 2011, earned Best Paper Award. [video & slides] |
V. Belák, M. Karnstedt, C. Hayes: Life-Cycles and Mutual Effects of Scientific Communities, 7th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA 2010), 2010, presented at conference, journal version available. |
M. Karnstedt, T. Hennessy, J. Chan, C. Hayes: Churn in Social Networks: A Discussion Boards Case Study, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom2010), 2010, pp. 233-240. |
A. Harth, K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, A. Polleres, K. Sattler, J. Umbrich: Data Summaries for On-demand Queries over Linked Data, 19th World Wide Web Conference (WWW '10), Raleigh, NC, USA, 2010, pp. 411-420. |
M. Hausenblas, M. Karnstedt: Understanding Linked Open Data as a Web-Scale Database, International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA), The Three Valleys, French Alps, France, 2010, pp. 56-61, earned Best Paper Award.
D. Klan, K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler: Power-Aware Data Analysis in Sensor Networks, Demo Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, Long Beach, California, USA, 2010, pp. 1125-1128.
| C. Franke, M. Karnstedt, D. Klan, M. Gertz, K. Sattler, W. Kattanek: In-Network Detection of Anomaly Regions in Sensor Networks with Obstacles, BTW 2009, Münster, Germany, pp. 367-386, chosen for a special journal issue on "BTW 2009 Best Papers".
| | M. Karnstedt, D. Klan, Ch. Pölitz, K. Sattler, C. Franke: Adaptive Burst Detection in a Stream Engine, 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'09), Apr 2009, Honululu, USA, pp. 1511-1515. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Haß, M. Hauswirth, B. Sapkota, R. Schmidt: Estimating the Number of Answers with Guarantees for Structured Queries in P2P Databases, ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'08), Napa Valley, USA, Oct. 2008, pp. 1407-1408
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Hauswirth, B. Sapkota, R. Schmidt: A DHT-based Infrastructure for Ad-hoc Integration and Querying of Semantic Data, Twelfth International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS'08), Coimbra, Portugal, Sep. 2008, pp. 19-28 |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, R. Schmidt: Completeness Estimation of Range Queries in Structured Overlays, Seventh IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'07), Galway, Ireland, Sep. 2007, pp. 71-78 |
| Marcel Karnstedt, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Martin Richtarsky, Jessica Müller, Manfred Hauswirth, Roman Schmidt, Renault John: UniStore: Querying a DHT-based Universal Storage ICDE 2007 Demonstrations Program, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007, pp. 1503-1504. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Hauswirth, R. Schmidt: Cost-Aware Processing of Similarity Queries in Structured Overlays, Sixth IEEE Int. Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2006), September 2006, Cambridge, UK, pp. 81-89 |
| K. Hose, A. Job, M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler: An Extensible, Distributed Simulation Environment for Peer Data Management Systems, 10. International Conference on Extending Database Technology - Demonstration Track, Munich, Germany, 2006, pp. 1198-1202. |
| C. Franke, M. Hartung, M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler: Quality-aware Mining of Data Streams, International Conference on Information Quality - ICIQ 2005, Boston, USA, pp. 300-315.
| K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, E.-A. Stehr: Adaptive Routing Filters for Robust Query Processing in Schema-Based P2P Systems, Proceedings of IDEAS'05, Montreal, Canada, 2005, pp. 223-228. |
Jürgen Umbrich, Claudio Gutierrez, Aidan Hogan, Marcel Karnstedt and Josiane Xavier Parreira: Eight Fallacies when Querying the Web of Data, ICDE Workshop on Data Engineering Meets the Semantic Web (DESWEB), 2013, pp. 21-22.
Hugo Hromic, Marcel Karnstedt, Mengjiao Wang, Alice Hogan, Václav Belák and Conor Hayes: Event Panning in a Stream of Big Data, LWA Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining and Machine Learning (KDML), 2012.
Jürgen Umbrich, Marcel Karnstedt, Josiane Xavier Parreira, Axel Polleres, Manfred Hauswirth: Linked Data and Live Querying for Enabling Support Platforms for Web Dataspaces, ICDE Workshop on Data Engineering Meets the Semantic Web (DESWEB), 2012, pp. 23-28.
D. Pfisterer, D. Bimschas, O. Kleine, K. Roemer, C. Truong, R. Mietz, A. Kroeller, H. Hasemann, M. Karnstedt, A. Passant, M. Leggieri, M. Hauswirth: Semantic-Service Provisioning for the Internet of Things, Workshop on Semantic Services for the Internet of Things (SSIT), ECEASST Workshop at Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KIVS'11), Electronic Communications of the EASST Volume 37, 2011.
J. Umbrich, M. Karnstedt, S. Land: Towards Understanding the Changing Web: Mining the Dynamics of Linked-Data Sources and Entities, KDML 2010: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, Oct 2010, Kassel, Germany, pp. 159-162.
A. Iqbal, M. Karnstedt: On the Need of Graph Support for Developer Identification in Software Repositories, KDML 2010: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, Oct 2010, Kassel, Germany, pp. 77-80. |
M. Karnstedt, C. Hayes: Towards Cross-Community Effects in Scientific Communities, KDML 2009: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, Sep 2009, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 52-55.
J. Umbrich, M. Karnstedt, A. Harth: Fast and Scalable Pattern Mining for Media-Type Focused Crawling, KDML 2009: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, Sep 2009, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 119-126.
| K. Stolze, M. Karnstedt: Datenbankimplementierungstechniken zum Anfassen - Ein Erfahrungsbericht, Autumnal Meeting of the GI Professional Group on Databases, Nov. 2008, Düsseldorf, Germany
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Haß, M. Hauswirth, B. Sapkota, R. Schmidt: Approximating Query Completeness by Predicting the Number of Answers in DHT-based Web Applications, Tenth
International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM'08
icw CIKM'08), Napa Valley, USA, Oct. 2008, pp. 71-78 |
| D. Klan, M. Karnstedt, Ch. Pölitz, K. Sattler: Towards Burst Detection for Non-Stationary Stream Data, KDML 2008: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, Oct 2008, Würzburg, Germany, pp. 57-60
| D. Klan, K. Sattler, K. Hose, M. Karnstedt: Decentralized Managing of Replication Objects in Massively Distributed Systems, EDBT 2008: Workshop on Data Management in Peer-to-peer systems (DaMaP'08), Nantes, France, March 2008, pp. 19-26 |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, D. Habich, W. Lehner: Quality of Service-Driven Stream Mining, Second International Workshop on Data Stream Mining and Management (DSMM 2007), Seventh IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2007), Omaha, USA, Oct 2007, pp. 545-550. |
| M. Karnstedt, C. Franke, M.M. Gaber: A Model for Quality Guaranteed Resource-Aware Stream Mining, Fifth International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Ubiquitous Data Streams icw ECML/PKDD'07, Warsaw, Poland, Sep 2007, pp. 72-82 |
| K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, D. Klan, K. Sattler, J. Quasebarth: Incremental Mining for Facility Management, KDML 2007: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, Sep 2007, Halle (Saale), Germany, pp. 183-190 |
| A. Klein, H.-H. Do, G. Hackenbroich, M. Karnstedt, W. Lehner: Representing Data Quality for Streaming and Static Data ICDE Workshop on Ambient Intelligence, Media, and Sensing (AIMS07), Istanbul, Turkey, 2007, pp. 3-10. |
| M. Karnstedt, J. Müller, K. Sattler: Cost-Aware Skyline Queries in Structured Overlays ICDE Workshop on Ranking in Databases (DBRank07), Istanbul, Turkey, 2007, pp. 285-288. |
| C. Franke, M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler: Mining Data Streams under Dynamicly Changing Resource Constraints, KDML 2006: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, October 2006, Hildesheim, Germany, pp. 262-269 |
| A. Hinneburg, D. Habich, M. Karnstedt: Analyzing Data Streams by Online DFT, ECML/PKDD-2006 International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams (IWKDDS-2006), 2006, Berlin, Germany, pp. 67-76 |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Hauswirth, R. Schmidt: Similarity Queries on Structured Data in Structured Overlays, 2nd IEEE Int. Workshop on Networking Meets Databases (NetDB'06) icw 22nd IEEE Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2006), April 2006, Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 32-37 |
| K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, A. Koch, K. Sattler, D. Zinn: Processing Rank-Aware Queries in P2P Systems, Third International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (DBISP2P 2005), in conjunction with VLDB 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 2005, pp. 238-249. |
| K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, D. Zinn: Processing Top-N Queries in P2P-based Web Integration Systems with Probabilistic Guarantees, Eighth International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB 2005), co-located with SIGMOD 2005, Baltimore, USA, June 2005, pp. 109-114. |
| D. Habich, M. Karnstedt, A. Hinneburg: Erkennen von aperiodischen Ausreißern, 6. GI-Workshop "Knowledge Discovery" in the run-up to BTW 2005, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2005. |
| H.Blaar, M. Karnstedt, T. Lange, R. Winter: Possibilities to solve the clique problem by thread parallelism using task pools, Proc. of the 19th IEEE Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 7th
Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing, April 4-8 2005, Denver, Colorado, USA, IEEE, 2005. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, E. Schallehn, M. Endig: Ad-Hoc Integration in schemabasierten P2P Systemen, In: P. Dadam, M. Reichert (Hrsg.): Proc. Informatik 2004, GI-Workshop
Dynamische Informationsfusion, Ulm, Germany, 2004, pp. 373-377. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Hose, K. Sattler: Query Routing and Processing in Schema-Based P2P Systems, In: Workshop Proc. of DEXA 2004, 1. Int. Workshop Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous DB Systems (GLOBE'04 icw DEXA), Sep 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 544-548. |
| M. Karnstedt: Anfragebearbeitung und Routing in Schema-basierten P2P-Systemen, In: M. Samia, St. Conrad (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 16. Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" (GvDB04), June 2004, Monheim, Germany, pp.
78-82. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Hose, K. Sattler: Distributed Query Processing in P2P Systems with incomplete schema information, In: J. Grundspenkis, M. Kirikova (Hrsg.): Proc. of CAiSE'04 Workshops, 3. Int. Workshop on Data Integration over the Web (DIWeb2004 icw CAiSE),
June 2004, Riga, Latvia, pp. 34-45. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, I. Geist, H. Höpfner: Semantic Caching in Ontology-based Mediator Systems, In: Proc. of Berliner XML-Tage 2003, 3. Int. Workshop of the GI Working
Group "Web und Datenbanken" (WebDB 2003), 2003, pp. 155-169. |
Reporte etc.
Nur Aini Rakhmawati, Jürgen Umbrich, Marcel Karnstedt, Ali Hasnain, Michael Hausenblas: Querying over Federated SPARQL Endpoints - A State of the Art Survey, DERI Technical Report 2013-06-07, 2013. |
M. Karnstedt: Scalable Social Analytics for Online Communities, IEEE Special Technical Community on Social Networks e-letter, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013. |
V. Belák, M. Karnstedt, C. Hayes: Life-Cycles and Mutual Effects of Scientific Communities, Poster presented at Satellite meeting "WebScience: exploring the frontier", The Royal Society London, UK, 2010. |
A. Harth, K. Hose, M. Karnstedt, A. Polleres, K. Sattler, J. Umbrich: On Lightweight Data Summaries for Optimised Query Processing over Linked Data, DERI Technical Report 2009-11-17, 2009. |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Richtarsky, J. Müller, M. Hauswirth, R. Schmidt, R. John: UniStore: Querying a DHT-based Universal Storage, LSIR-REPORT-2006-011 at EPFL, Switzerland, 2006 |
| M. Karnstedt, K. Sattler, M. Hauswirth, R. Schmidt: Light-weight Internet-scale Universal Storage, LSIR-REPORT-2006-008 at EPFL, Switzerland, 2006 |
| H. Blaar, M. Karnstedt, T. Lange, R. Winter: Possibilities to solve the clique problem by thread parallelism using task pools, Reports of the Institute for Computer Science Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Report No. 09 (2004). |
| M. Karnstedt: Semantisches Caching in ontologiebasierten Mediatoren, Diplomarbeit MLU Halle-Wittenberg, 2003. |
| M. Karnstedt: Semantisches Caching in ontologiebasierten Mediatoren, In: Proceedings Informatiktage 2003 in Bad Schussenried, Germany, Poster, p. 305. |
| M. Karnstedt, T. Lange: Parallele Algorithmen zur Lösung des CLIQUE-Problems In: Proceedings Informatiktage 2002 in Bad Schussenried, Germany, Poster, p. 327. |
Professional Activities
Consuming Linked Data, ISWC Workshop (COLD '14, COLD '15) |
World Wide Web Conference, Poster Track (WWW '15) |
AAAI Conference, Track AI and the Web (AAAI '13, AAAI '15) |
Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC '11 Semantic Data Management Track, ESWC '12, ESWC '15) |
Data Engineering Meets the Semantic Web, ICDE Workshop (DESWEB '12, DESWEB '14) |
Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media (PANSOM '13 at IJCAI '13) |
17th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI '13 Special Session in Real World Internet) |
Workshop on Metrics, Analysis and Tools for Online Community Management (MAMA '13 at INFORMATIK 2013) |
1st International IFIP Working Conference on Value-Driven Social Semantics & Collective Intelligence (VaSCo '13 at ACM Web Science 2013) |
Euro-Par Conference (Euro-Par '13 Co-Chair P2P track) |
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP '13) |
ACM Web Science (WebSci '12 & WebSci '13) |
Knowledge-based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2011, Invited Session on Advanced Knowledge-based Systems (KES '11) |
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC '09) |
International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems (AP2PS '09 & AP2PS '10) |
International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP '09 & ADVCOMP '10) |
Eingeladene Reviews
Journal of Computer Communications (ComCom), 2011 & 2015 |
Journal of Web Semantics (JWS), 2009, 2012 & 2014 |
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Special Issue "Foundations of Social Computing", 2014 |
IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), 2013 |
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 2013 |
Sensors, 2012 |
Journal on Data Semantics (JoDS), 2012 |
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), 2012 |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2009, 2010 & 2012 |
Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal (DKE), 2010 & 2011 |
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), 2010 & 2011 |
World Wide Web Internet and Web Information Systems (WWWJ) - Special Issue "Querying the Data Web", 2010 |
Co-reviews for several major journals (IJCSSE) and conferences (WWW, RecSys, P2P, MDM, DEBS, ASONAM, ICDM, GC NGNPS, ISWC, RR) |
Zertifikate & AuszeichnungenDatenbanken | IBM Certified Advanced Database Administrator -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 for Linux UNIX and Windows
| | IBM Certified Database Administrator -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 for Linux UNIX and Windows
| | IBM Certified Database Associate -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Family |
e-Xplore Technical English!® a WebCourse in ESP (English for Specific Purposes) focussing on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at an advanced level of English (C1.1 CEF)
Auszeichnungen | Förderpreis der Cantor-Unternehmensberatung 2004 |
Erste Hilfe am Arbeitsplatz ein Anleitungskurs im Einklang mit dem Health and Safety Authority Syllabus, Galway County Council (FETAC Component Certificate Level 5)
Neben dem Betreuen und Begutachten verschiedener Doktor-, Diplom- und Masterabschlussarbeiten war Marcel Karnstedt in Ilmenau für folgende Kurse und Vorlesungen verantwortlich:
Wintersemester 2008/09Sommersemester 2008
Wintersemester 2007/08Sommersemester 2007Wintersemester 2006/07Sommersemester 2006Wintersemester 2005/06Sommersemester 2005 | Übung Datenbank-Implementierungstechniken - Projekt ToyDB
| | Hauptseminar "Approximative Anfragen in Datenbanken" |
Wintersemester 2004/05 | Datenbanksysteme (IN, II, WI, MT) - Übungen
| | Datenbanken (AMW) - Übungen
| | Projektseminar "Datenbank-Administration & -Tuning" |
Sommersemester 2004Wintersemester 2003/04 | Crashkurs: DB2 Universal Database von IBM |
Zurück nach oben |